Keyboard shortcuts are often overlooked, but they are very quick to learn, easy to use and will save you time when working on your staff rosters.

Here's a short list of keyboard shortcuts that speed up your work on Findmyshift.

Save your changes on the rosterCTRL + S
Show next date range on the roster and reportsCTRL +
Show previous date range on the roster and reportsCTRL +
Undo the last unsaved change on the rosterCTRL + Z
Select a cell on the roster, , ,
Add or edit shift or comment on the rosterEnter
Delete the current selection on the rosterDelete
Copy the current selection on the rosterCTRL + C
Cut the current selection on the rosterCTRL + X
Paste the copied selection to the current selection on the rosterCTRL + V

Visit our keyboard shortcuts page for a full listing.

Planifiez les horaires de votre personnel en ligne.

Aucune carte de crédit requise, rien à télécharger, pas de listes de diffusion ou de surprises.