Do not click this link unless you are a web crawler.
Planification du personnel
Notre planificateur de type glisser-déposer est rapide, offre une prise en main rapide et est gratuit pour les petites équipes.
Heures et présences
Enregistrez les heures pendant lesquelles votre personnel est effectivement sur site grâce à notre poste d'horloge pointeuse gratuit.
Rapport et paie
Suivez les heures du personnel et ses coûts en temps réel à l'aide des données générées par vos horaires des quarts de travail.
Rappels et notifications
Envoyez à votre personnel des rappels des horaires automatisés, des notifications de changement de quart de travail et des messages de groupe.
Gestion des congés
Gérez facilement les congés grâce aux demandes en ligne, aux responsables adjoints, aux notifications et au suivi des allocations.
Formules de tarification
Sélectionnez une formule de tarification adaptée à votre équipe.
Version gratuite pour les petites équipes
Findmyshift sera toujours gratuit pour les petites équipes de cinq membres du personnel maximum.
Logiciel de pointeuse gratuit
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Guides vidéo
Découvrez son fonctionnement (de la configuration à la planification) grâce à nos guides vidéo détaillés.
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À propos de nous
Application Android sur Google Play
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Créer un horaire pour les employés
Accord de traitement des données
Protection des données
Démo des horaires
API développeur
Logiciel gratuit de planification du personnel
Modèle Excel gratuit d'horaires
Application iOS dans l'App Store
Politique de confidentialité
Conditions générales
Témoignages & commentaires des clients
Poste de l'horloge pointeuse
Qu'est-ce qu'un logiciel à la demande (SaaS) ?
Planification du personnel
Rappels et notifications
Rapport et paie
Heures et présences
Gestion des congés
Version gratuite pour les petites équipes
Logiciel de pointeuse gratuit
60 jours d'essai gratuit
Bars, restaurants & cafes
Call centres & support staff
Charities, non-profits & volunteers
Cinemas, theatres & live events
Emergency workers & first responders
Gyms & fitness centres
Hospitality, hotels & events
Hospitals, medical & care providers
Professional services
Retail stores & supermarkets
Schools & universities
Security services & law enforcement
Shipping & transportation
Raccourcis clavier
Conseils et astuces
Guides vidéo & webinaires
Help: Frequently asked questions
Do you have an API?
How do I pay?
How do I sign up?
Is there an app for my staff?
What is Findmyshift?
What will it cost me?
Help: Holidays, sick leave and other time off
Can I change the list of time off types?
Can I change the word holiday to vacation?
Can I enter holidays or time off as half days?
Holidays are now appearing as vacation. Can I change this back?
How can I change a time off entry?
How do I add to a staff member's holiday allowance?
How do I calculate staff holiday allowances if their allowances reset at different times of the year?
How do I pay staff extra for public holidays?
How do I pay staff for days off?
How do I track sick days taken by my staff?
Help: Managing a staff roster
Are there any shortcuts or special keys to help speed up scheduling?
Do you have any tips & tricks for roster managers and their staff?
How can I work on a roster without my staff seeing the unfinished version?
How do I add a new staff member to the roster?
How do I add an extra manager or administrator to help with my rosters?
How do I copy and paste an entire week of staff rosters?
How do I delete multiple cells at once?
How do I publish multiple cells at once?
How do I re-order the staff on my roster?
How do my staff find out their passwords to check their shift roster?
What are templates and why would I use one?
What are the differences between administrators, managers, report managers, time off managers and self schedulers?
What are the red and yellow dots on my staff roster?
What is publishing?
Why are items on my staff roster highlighted blue after I save?
Why are items on my staff roster highlighted red?
Why are items on my staff roster occasionally highlighted in orange?
Why can't I see some of my staff?
Why can't my staff see all facilities?
Why have some of my staff disappeared from my roster?
Help: Pricing and payments
Are the credits I buy for e-mails or SMS messages?
Are there any fees when paying with PayPal?
Can I get a refund if I paid with PayPal?
Can I pay for telephone support?
Can I pay monthly via direct debit?
Do you accept Bitcoin?
Do you offer discounts for charities and volunteer organisations?
How do I make a payment? Can I pay online with a debit/credit card?
How do I renew my subscription?
How long will PayPal take to process my refund?
How much do text messages cost?
How much does Findmyshift cost?
I don't need Findmyshift anymore, can I get a refund?
I have a trial account that's expiring - how do I upgrade to a full account?
I've lost my tax invoice, how do I get another copy?
My transaction was declined to "comply with government regulations". What can I do?
PayPal says there's a risk with my payment. What can I do?
What types of credit cards are accepted by PayPal?
When my account expires, will I be billed again automatically?
Why does PayPal keep rejecting my credit/debit card?
Help: Reports, pay rates and payroll
Can day rates be used with hourly rates?
Can I pay staff an hourly rate for overtime in addition to their salary?
Can I use salaries with day rates for work on weekends?
Do pay rate adjustments affect day rates?
How are salaries calculated in the reports?
How can I give read only access to my Payroll department?
How can I pay an overtime rate on a shift?
How do I deduct staff breaks from their total hours in the reports?
How do I enter staff salaries so they appear in the reports?
How do I pay overtime when my staff are normally paid day rates?
How do I program different pay rates for different days, times and facilities?
How do I use timesheet data in the reports?
If staff are normally paid a day rate but only work a short shift can I pay them by the hour?
What are day rates?
What is a pay rate adjustment?
Who can see the hourly rates, day rates and salaries that are entered?
Why are my reports showing the wrong figures?
Why are some shifts missing an hour?
Why are some shifts showing an extra hour?
Why would I want to enter staff salaries?
Why would shifts be missing from my reports?
Help: Security, privacy and backups
Can I backup or download my staff rosters?
How can I disable two-factor authentication?
How long is my staff roster and associated data stored online?
How safe is my data stored on Findmyshift?
Is Findmyshift compliant with the GDPR?
We've deleted our shifts! Is it possible to restore a previous version of our roster?
What is two-factor authentication?
Help: Setup and configuration
Can I change the days that are shown on my roster?
Can I change the layout so that dates are down the side?
Can I have different departments in the same team?
Can Findmyshift be customised for my company?
How can I change the date, currency and number formats in the roster and reports?
How can I lock the roster to prevent managers from making changes?
How can I take ownership if the previous owner has left our organisation?
How do I add a new team?
How do I add new columns of data to my staff and facilities?
How do I remove a facility?
How do I restore a staff member that was previously deleted?
How do I schedule staff at different locations?
I am trying to add a new roster for a new team of staff, but I can't enter any shifts.
I have staff spread over multiple teams, can I copy and paste their details?
If one of my staff leaves, how can I remove them from the roster?
If we remove a staff member can they still log in and view their roster?
I'm leaving the company. How can I transfer the ownership of my teams to someone else?
My roster runs from Wednesday to Wednesday. How do I show this on my roster?
What is a custom column and what is it used for?
Why are some dates not shown on my roster?
Why can't I change some of my staff's contact details?
Help: Staff and their rosters
Can I view my shifts in my Google Calendar, my Outlook calendar or in Apple's iCal?
Can I view my shifts on my Android device?
Can I view my shifts on my iPhone?
How are shifts swapped? How can I swap a shift with another staff member?
How do I accept a shift?
How do I accept a single shift in a cell?
How do I cancel a shift?
How do I request a shift?
How do I swap a shift?
I never received a password from my manager. How can I access my roster?
Is it possible for staff to accept all the shifts on their roster at once?
I've been added to a staff roster, how do I log in to check my shifts?
My staff are on multiple rosters. Is there any way staff can log in to all rosters with one password?
My staff can't see any shifts when they log in to their roster.
What is an iCal feed?
Why can't I access my roster?
Why can't my staff see any shifts when they log in?
Why can't my staff see their rosters when they log in?
Why do my staff have to accept and agree to the terms and conditions?
Why has my iCal feed expired?
Help: Text and email notifications
How can I receive push notifications on my phone?
How can I stop emails being sent to me about approvals and cancellations?
How can I switch off my email and text message notifications?
How do I change the email address that Findmyshift uses when emailing my staff?
How do I send log in details to my staff?
How do I send the roster to my staff?
My text message is less than 160 characters, but it still says it requires 2 credits.
What are push notifications?
Which countries are supported by the built-in text messaging?
Why do some text messages require more credits than others?
Help: Timesheets and time clocking
Can I stop my staff from clocking in and out from home?
Can my staff enter timesheets?
Can staff change timesheet entries once they've been approved?
Can staff clock in and out through the website?
Can staff clock in and out using a PIN?
Does Findmyshift have timesheets?
Does the timesheet functionality cost extra?
How can I prevent my staff from buddy-clocking?
How do I approve my staff's timesheets?
How do I change the times on time clock report?
How do I enter timesheets?
How do I round time clock times up or down to the nearest 5 or 10 minutes?
How do I set up a time clocking system for my staff?
How is time clock data turned into timesheets?
What happens if staff forget to clock out?
What is the difference between time clock data and timesheet data?
What is time clock data used for?
Help: Troubleshooting
How can I display a read-only copy of my roster on a shared computer so my staff can view it?
How can I restart the demo?
How can I stop Excel files opening in my browser?
How do I add a log-in box for my staff on my website?
How do I change my password?
How do I delete my account?
How do I reset my password?
How do I right click on a mac?
How do I right click on a tablet or phone without a mouse?
I'm having trouble with my browser. What should I do?
I've forgotten my password!
I've reset my password but I still can't log in!
My staff roster is printing in black & white. Can I print it in colour?
What are the weird telephone number things appearing all over my roster?
Which browser is recommended for Findmyshift?
Which browsers are supported?
Why are my Excel downloads opening up blank?
Why are some of the columns not aligned properly on my staff roster?
Amazon Alexa
Google Assistant
Google Workspace
People HR
Employee skills managers should look for in the hospitality industry
10 great life hacks for the workplace
10 ways to save time when staff scheduling with Findmyshift
18 Inspiring & Successful Female Entrepreneurs
4 days or 6? The new work week models
5 ways to reduce manual workload for managers
6 types of data to improve efficiency
A guide to rolled up holiday pay
Advice for safely handling staff data
Alternative seasonal gift ideas for small businesses
Amazon Alexa integration
Apply pay rates based on the age of your staff
Are these leadership mistakes costing your business?
Are your employees working too hard?
Art makes staff happy
Auto-complete now available with filters
Avoiding employee burnout over the holidays
Best practices for hiring new employees
Best practices for managing temporary staff
Best practices for restaurant social media
Best ways you can reduce your employees' stress levels at work
Bitcoin for business
Building better customer engagement in the fitness industry
Can AI technology transform your business?
Career goal tips for the new year
Choosing the best employee benefits for your small business
Choosing the right customer acquisition channel
Clocking in tips and best practices
Cloud-based SaaS Software: Pros and Cons
Common employee fears and how to fix them
Common reasons restaurants fail
Common scheduling problems and how to solve them
Cool workspaces on Office Snapshots
Copy & paste editing on Findmyshift
Could a 4 week rolling rota work for your small business?
Could a compressed work week suit your business?
Could music improve your business?
Could your business use a rotating shift schedule?
Could your business use freelancers?
Creating custom apps for your business
Creative and interesting interview questions to help you find the right employee
Creative ways to manage volunteers
Customer story: Austin Health Emergency Department
Customer story: Picturehouse Cinemas
Customise your data to schedule smarter
Digital transformation ideas for schools and universities
Digital transformation ideas for your gym or fitness business
Digital transformation ideas for your hotel
Digital transformation ideas for your restaurant
Do employees have the right to disconnect in the UK?
Do you know when your employees are available?
Does your business need risk management?
Does your business need sales tracking?
Does your business need to change its business model to survive?
Easy and affordable ways to motivate your staff
Easy and affordable ways to train your staff
Easy ways to boost employees' productivity
Easy ways to boost team morale
Easy ways to improve customer loyalty
Easy ways to improve customer service in your small business
Easy ways to thank customers at the end of the year
Easy ways you can make your customers happy
Effective team building for remote workforces
Efficient employee scheduling during the holidays
Embracing digital transformation in emergency services
Embracing digital transformation in your security business
Employee offboarding versus employee aftercare
Employee performance reviews: productive or destructive?
Employee scheduling best practices
Employee scheduling for hospitals, health centres, and medical facilities
Employee scheduling tips for cinemas, theatres, and event spaces
Employee skills managers need to look for in the retail sector
Employee skills managers should look for in the customer service industry
Facebook tips for small businesses
Faster scheduling with quick keyboard shortcuts
Find out why your customers are leaving you
Five free apps to help you manage social media
Five free texts each month!
Five great websites for small and medium businesses
Five things small businesses should know about in 2014
Four signs your small business is ready to expand
Free Excel template for your staff roster
Free staff rosters for small businesses
Free team building activities for your business
Getting started with our drag & drop editor
Great resolutions for great leaders
Green initiatives to introduce in your business
Happy birthday to you... and you, and you, and you.
Help your staff enjoy a healthy work-life balance
Holiday working hours in a 'Round the Clock World'
How to grow your business presence on social media - Part One: Facebook
How a mentoring scheme can benefit your small businesses
How a positive attitude can transform your workplace
How can businesses support their key workers?
How can healthcare businesses improve energy efficiency?
How often should your business update its prices?
How online scheduling software can save small businesses lots of time and money
How small business owners can improve their time management
How small businesses can overcome the staff shortage
How technology is changing hospitality staff roles
How timesheet data can help your business
How to add attachments to the notice board
How to attract Gen Z employees to your business
How to avoid unconscious bias as a manager
How to back up and restore your data
How to be seen in a competitive tourism market
How to best manage annual leave and vacation requests
How to better manage your marketing campaigns
How to bridge talent gaps in your team
How to bridge the manager-employee gap
How to bring festive fun to the workplace... and stay productive!
How to celebrate employee birthdays
How to celebrate employees' work anniversaries
How to communicate with employees outside of work
How to create a culture of employee ownership
How to create a fair rota
How to create a great customer experience in retail
How to create a great employee application form
How to create an absence management plan
How to create and enforce an employee time and attendance policy
How to create and manage a successful employee onboarding programme
How to deal with an unhappy employee
How to deal with conflict in the workplace
How to deal with employee absences
How to define your ideal buyer persona
How to do staff holiday rota planning right
How to eliminate time-wasting activities at work
How to encourage tool adoption in your small business
How to export data from your rosters
How to fairly manage tipping in your restaurant
How to find a business mentor for your small business
How to fix a toxic workplace
How to get your business ready for Christmas & New Year
How to grow your business
How to grow your business presence on social media - Part Five: YouTube
How to grow your business presence on social media - Part Four: LinkedIn
How to grow your business presence on social media - Part Three: Instagram
How to grow your business through social media - Part Two: Twitter
How to handle shift trades effectively
How to help your team cope with change
How to identify your business's USP (unique selling point)
How to implement a clock-in, clock-out system
How to implement effective employee aftercare
How to implement flexible working practices in your small business
How to improve employee engagement
How to improve employee retention in your small business
How to improve your employee offboarding process
How to improve your small business's financial health
How to include breaks in your staff pay reports
How to keep employees motivated during quiet times
How to know when your employees are ready for promotion
How to look after your employees' mental health
How to make a payslip
How to make the most of your best performing employees
How to make your small business more energy efficient
How to manage different personality types in your team
How to manage difficult customers
How to manage employee holiday requests
How to manage employee shortages
How to manage overtime pay rates
How to manage staff use of social media at work
How to manage time off requests fairly
How to motivate employees when your small business is busy
How to move your shifts to the top
How to nurture talent with effective employee development plans
How to predict and prepare for busy peak times
How to prepare your small business for big sales events
How to prevent buddy punching
How to prevent seasonal affective disorder in the workplace
How to produce a professional business invoice
How to promote cross-selling and upselling in your small business
How to raise your restaurant’s public profile
How to recognise and nurture management potential in your employees
How to reduce food waste in your restaurant
How to reduce hazards in the workplace
How to reduce your business’s labour costs
How to refresh a business stuck in a rut
How to retain your best employees
How to run a great employee of the month programme
How to run your own employee appreciation day
How to schedule employees across different locations
How to set up and run a mentoring scheme in your small business
How to stay healthy when working at a desk all day
How to support employees with family commitments
How to take productive breaks at work
How to tell a customer their order is late
How to track time off quickly and accurately
How to use incentive pay in your small business
How to use the holiday season for marketing your small business
How to write a business plan
How to write an employee handbook
How to write and use SOPs
HRM Software as a Service
Ideas for an affordable Christmas party
Ideas for free employee wellness initiatives
Identifying and addressing inefficiencies in your business
Import and export your staff with CSV and Excel files
Indoor plants that will survive any workplace
Instant insights with your reporting dashboard
Is adopting digital shift scheduling a risk?
Is UK retail recovering from COVID-19?
Job satisfaction questions to ask your employees
Keeping track of your staff's sick leave
Kickstarter for Small Businesses: Part One - Finding the right fit
Kickstarter for Small Businesses: Part Two - Building and launching your campaign
Life in the fast lane!
Making your transportation or shipping business more sustainable
Managerial tips for hybrid working
Managing labour costs in your call centre
Managing labour costs in your hotel
Marketing tactics to acquire customers as a new business
Monitoring your staffing costs
More keyboard shortcuts!
Motivate your staff in January
New EU GDPR data protection laws: What does it mean for your Findmyshift account?
New iOS and Android app available!
New Year's resolutions you should make for your employees
Online employee scheduling for call centres
Online employee scheduling for retail stores, shops and supermarkets
Online employee scheduling for trade businesses
Online scheduling for gyms, personal trainers and fitness centres
Online scheduling for restaurants: Part 1
Online scheduling for restaurants: Part 2
Online scheduling for shipping, logistics and transportation companies
Online scheduling for the entertainment industry
Online shift scheduling for delivery companies
Online shift scheduling for emergency workers
Online shift scheduling for professional services
Plan ahead for Blue Monday
PR for Small Businesses - Part One: Where to start
PR for Small Businesses - Part Two: Pitching the media
Prepare your business for summer
Preparing for 5 unusual situations in the restaurant industry
Productivity tips for small business owners
Rate exceptions: Alternate staff pay rates
Reducing labour costs in your security business
Retaining staff through inflation
Saving time with templates
Schedule staff with your voice
Scheduling for charities and volunteers
Scheduling for hotels and events venues
Scheduling for security and law enforcement
Scheduling mistakes to avoid in your business
Secret ingredients for happy staff
Select and edit multiple cells at the same time
Setting a bring your own device (BYOD) policy for your business
Setting up push notifications
Shift scheduling for schools, colleges and universities
Should the Bradford Factor influence your disciplinary procedure?
Should you let employees manage their own schedules?
Should you pay your employees day rates or hourly rates?
Should your business give away free products?
Should your business offer its employees salary advances?
Should your business stay open over Christmas?
Simple ways to make employee scheduling easier
Findmyshift in the news - September 2013
Findmyshift is featured on the Great Website Guide
Findmyshift's now available on the Chrome Web Store
Six different management styles
Six free tools to help your website
Small business marketing ideas customers will love
Small business trends you should know about for 2020
Smart growth ideas for your gym or fitness business
Start-up principles to bring into your business
Stress management for small business owners and managers
Successful one-on-ones with your staff
Supporting charities and non-profits
Supporting employees during the cost-of-living crisis
Tackling discrimination in the workplace
Tackling social loafing in your business
Team building ideas you'll actually enjoy
Ten best workplace TV shows
Ten Inspiring Books for Small Business Leaders
Ten Real Jobs You Didn't Know Existed
The alternative people management skills every manager needs
The benefits of a diverse workforce
The benefits of cloud-based solutions for small businesses
The benefits of having an open-door policy
The benefits of on-demand pay and how your business can implement it
The benefits of promoting within your small business
The best automation ideas for small businesses
The best job interview questions for any role
The best low-cost employee retention strategies
The best metrics for getting started with employee engagement
The best podcasts for small business managers
The best project management methodologies for small businesses
The best way to define your small business's brand identity
The best ways to find employees for your business
The best ways to market your small business offline
The biggest challenges facing accounting firms
The biggest challenges facing hospitality businesses in 2025
The challenges facing couriers and delivery businesses
The challenges of running a call centre
The challenges of running a plumbing business
The cost of poor scheduling
The importance of transparency in management
The key benefits of a time clock system
The latest sick pay allowances in Ireland
The most important KPIs for managers in the healthcare industry
The most important skills to look for in shift-based employees
The most important skills your employees can improve
The new vertical view
The pros and cons of salaried employees
The right way to handle employee resignations
The role of feedback in nurturing new starters
The small business guide to working with influencers and bloggers
The toughest tasks facing online businesses
The unexpected challenges of running a gym or leisure centre
The unexpected challenges of running a healthcare business
The Weirdest Jobs in the World
The world's oldest employees
The Worst Bosses in Film
Thinking of going paperless?
Time-saving email management tips for small business managers
Time-saving scheduling tips
Timesheets and time clocking
Tips for boosting your small business's sales
Tips for conducting an effective interview
Tips for conducting an end of year review for your small business
Tips for encouraging teamwork in your small business
Tips for finding and hiring the best student employees
Tips for first time managers
Tips for improving communication between managers and their employees
Tips for improving employee punctuality
Tips for improving staff meetings
Tips for improving your response rate and sales from cold emails
Tips for making performance reviews more productive and beneficial
Tips for managing extroverts
Tips for managing introverts
Tips for managing millennials
Tips for managing problem-free night shifts
Tips for managing staff breaks
Tips for managing teenage employees
Tips for managing weekend staff
Tips for researching your small business’ competition
Tips for setting up a referral or affiliate scheme for your small business
Tips for small businesses to deal with challenges during the holiday season
Tips for supporting your employees during difficult times
Tips for writing an employee expenses policy
Top tips for communicating with your team
Top tips for document management
Twelve Christmas gift ideas for coworkers
Twitter tips for small businesses
Understanding and reducing employee absenteeism
Understanding marketing collateral for small businesses
Unlimited means unlimited
Using AI chatbots to generate business content
Using charge out rates for client projects
Using filters to save more time scheduling
Using Findmyshift to manage your payroll
Using the Bradford Factor to measure absenteeism
Ways to deal with stress at work
Ways to give your employees more responsibilities
Ways to improve the content on your small business website
Ways to make your restaurant more sustainable
Ways to reduce your business’s debt
We're now accepting bitcoin!
What are the best opening hours for your small business?
What are the new UK holiday laws?
What breaks and rest are your employees entitled to?
What can your small business do about time theft?
What employees really want from managers
What HR policies does your small business need?
What is a payroll number?
What is a shift allowance?
What is an employee ID?
What is employee engagement?
What is flexible furlough?
What makes Findmyshift the easiest scheduling app to use?
What tech is driving the catering industry in 2020?
What your restaurant can do to limit no-shows
What’s holding back your workplace’s communication?
What’s the minimum notice you should give employees for shift changes?
What's a reasonable reason to fire someone?
What's motivating your staff?
When to use alternate pay rates for employees
Which is the right social media platform for your small business?
Which shift pattern should your healthcare business use?
Which shift pattern should your retail business use?
Which shift pattern should your security business use?
Which social media platform is best for your business?
Who should manage the rota in your business?
Why communicating with employees is important
Why mobile scheduling tools are essential for modern managers
Why overtime working can harm businesses and how to reduce it
Why the hospitality industry is embracing virtual spaces
Why you need to plan ahead
Why you should let your staff use social media at work
Why your business needs a timeclock
Will the changes to UK tipping laws affect your business?
Would your employees prefer flexible working or a pay rise?
Your small business is expanding…but is your team ready?
Zapier links Findmyshift to 100+ popular web apps